Program Chair

Ayman El Tarabishy
President/CEO, International Council for Small Business (ICSB), and Deputy Chair of the Department of Management for The George Washington University School of Business
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy serves as the President/CEO of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), and also as the Deputy Chair of the Department of Management for The George Washington University School of Business.
Conference Agenda
July 25, 2020 – Venue: Everywhere through ZOOM
Plenary Session 9:00 am to 10:00 am EDT
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, ICSB President and CEO
Mr. Ahmed Osman, Chair of the ICSB Board,
Prof. Roberto Parente, Deputy Dean, Department DISA MIS – UNISA, ICSB KHUB Director LISA LAB,
Dr. KiChan Kim, ICSB Past President, Professor at Catholic University, ICSB KHUB Director of Compania,
Dr. Alex DeNoble, Professor at San Diego State University and Director of the Lavin Center,
Dr. Andrea Piccaluga, Dean and Professor Department of Management, SSSUP Pisa, Italy.
Parallel Session A: Research and Idea Presentations 10:05 am - 11:20 am EDT
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Roberto Parente
Antonella Garofano, Assistant Professor, Phd, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Italy and Angelo Riviezzo, Associate Professor, University of Sannio, Italy
Banowati Talim, New Insight of the Humane Entrepreneurship Model, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia,
Ieva Zebryte, Department of Management at ISM University of management and Economics, Lithuania
Bice Della Piana, Dep. of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno Italy and Alina Landowska, PhD, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Nicoletta Buratti, Associate Professor, University of Genoa, Italy
Valentina Cucino, Post-Doc Research Fellow, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, Andrea Piccualuga, Professor of Innovation Management and Director of the Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy and Cristina Marullo, Assistant Professor of Innovation Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Nnamdi Madichie, Professor of Marketing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
Antonio Botti, Professor, University of Salerno, Italy and Massimiliano Vesci, Professor, University of Salerno, Italy, Rosangela Feola, Research fellow University of Salerno, Italy, Emanuela Conti, University of Urbino, Italy
Orlando Troisi, Researcher, University of Salerno, Italy and Francesca Loia, Researcher, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, and Mara Grimaldi, Researcher, University of Salerno, Italy
Parallel Session B: Research and Idea Presentations 10:05 am - 11:20 am EDT
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Ki-Chan Kim
Nicola Capolupo, Dr., P.h.D in Management & It, Department Disa-Mis, Università degli studi di Salerno and Paola Adinolfi, Full professor of Organization science, Department Disa-Mis, Università degli studi di Salerno
Rocco Palumbo, Senior Researcher, University “Tor Vergata” of Rome, Italy
Khoi Nguyen, Professor and Dean, Vietnam National University, Hanoi,
Galbraith, Craig, A theoretical treatment on Humane Entrepreneurship
Bashat El Deeb, Ministry of Education, Egypt,
Grisna Anggadwita, Telkom University, Indonesia
Pierpaolo Magliocca, Assistant professor, University of Foggia, Italy and Rossella Canestrino, Assistant Professor, Parthenope University, Italy, and Marek Ćwiklicki, Dr., Cracow University of Economics, Poland: Presenting “Humane Orientation” and “Humane Entrepreneurship”: a multi-country study
Jack Yao, CCPIT, ISO Standardization of Humane Entrepreneurship, China,
Jae Hyeung Kang , Associate Professor, Oakland University, USA, Jung Min Nam, Professor, Department of Global Venture, Dankook University and Do Hui Kim, Doctoral Course, Department of Global Venture, Dankook University
John Laurence Enriquez, Researcher, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea, South and Chang-Seok Song, Professor, Soongsil University, Korea, South and Zong-Tae Bae, Professor, KAIST, Korea, South
Closing Session 11:20 am - 11:30 am EDT
Chair and Moderator: Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, ICSB President and CEO
Dr. Roberto Parente, Professor at Salerno University and ICSB KHUB Director of LISA Lab
Dr. KiChan Kim, ICSB Past President, Professor at Catholic University, ICSB KHUB Director of Compania
JSBM Special Issue: Humane Entrepreneurship from Research to Practice
View Opening Session Here

Dr. Ki-Chan Kim
ICSB Past President and Professor at Catholic University (S. Korea)

Dr. Roberto Parente
Professor Universita' Di Salerno (Italy)

Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy
President/CEO, International Council for Small Business (ICSB), and Deputy Chair of the Department of Management for The George Washington University School of Business

Vicki Stylianou
Head of Advocacy and Policy at Institute of Public Accountants

Dr. Antonio Botti
Associate Professor of management at the University of Salerno

Dr. Rosangela Feola
Research fellow of Lisa Lab

Dr. Alex DeNoble
Professor in the Management Department in the San Diego State University College of Business and Director of SDSU's Lavin Entrepreneurship Center

Dr. Massimiliano Vesci
Associate Professor in Management at University of Salerno

Dr. Winslow Sargeant
Head of Capital Markets for Genaesis, LLC